April 2015 Newsletter
I. Easter Egg Hunts and Events
II. New Listings
III. Spring Cleaning Tips
IV. Major League Baseball Opening Day
V. Welcome the Newest Member of PHT
I. Easter Egg Hunts and Events
Wednesday, April 1
Toddler Easter Egg Hunt
Join in the hunt. Held rain or shine. Ages 5 and under. Free. 10am. Tuckaseegee Park, 165 Broome St., Mount Holly. 704-951-3006. mtholly.us.
Thursday, April 2
Eggnormous Twilight Easter Scramble
Bring your Easter basket for an evening egg hunt. Free. 6pm. Harrisburg Park, 191 Sims Pkwy., Harrisburg. 704-455-5614. harrisburgnc.org.
Friday, April 3
Children's Egg Hunt and Family Scavenger Hunt
Hunt for eggs filled with treats followed by a family scavenger hunt. Free. Time TBD. Downtown Waxhaw. 704-843-2195. waxhaw.com.
Breakfast with the Bunny
Enjoy breakfast and go on a egg hunt looking for the special golden eggs. Register by April 1. Ages 12 and under. Registration required. Free. 9-10:30am. Monroe Crossing, 2115 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe. 704-289-6547 ext. 26. shopmonroecrossing.com.
Easter Eggstravaganza at Romare Bearden Park.
Live music, face painting, balloon twisters, arts and crafts, and a dash to gather colorful Easter eggs on the Big Moon Lawn. Free.Noon-3pm. Romare Bearden Park, 300 S. Church St. romarebeardenpark.charmeck.org .
Saturday, April 4
Lazy 5 Ranch Easter Extravaganza.
Includes Helicopter Egg Drops, visits with the Easter bunny and a scavenger hunt. $8-$11. Cash only. 9am-6pm. Lazy 5 Ranch, 15100 Mooresville Road, Mooresville. 704-663-5100. lazy5ranch.com.
Easter Egg Hunt with Uptown Church.
Featuring face painting, balloon animals, doughnuts and refreshments. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch. Free. 10am-noon. Latta Park, 601 E. Park Ave. 704-375-7355. uptownchurch.org.
Easter in the Woods.
Hunt for colorful Easter eggs filled with goodies. Event starts on time and will go until eggs are gone. Ages 2-5. $2. 2-3pm. Hickory Grove Recreation Center, 6709 Pence Road, Charlotte. 704-432-4811. parkandrec.com.
Latta Plantation Easter Egg Hunt.
Hunt for toy-filled eggs, visit the farm animals, enjoy live children's music, and meet the Easter Bunny. Emailegghunt@lattaplantation.org to register. Ages 10 and under. Registration required. $5. 10am-2pm. Latta Plantation, 5225 Sample Road, Huntersville. 704-875-2312. lattaplantation.org .
Rural Hill Easter Egg Hunt.
A day of egg hunts, spoon races and more. Registration required. Free. 2-5pm. Historic Rural Hill, 4431 Neck Road, Huntersville. 704-875-3113. ruralhill.net.
Stallings Easter Egg Hunt.
Join in a community egg hunt. Participants need an egg-hunt pass. Call for information on how to obtain a pass. Ages 12 and under. $1 for non-residents, free for residents. 10am-noon. Stallings Elementary School Ball Fields, 3501 Stallings Road, Stallings. 704-821-8557. stallingsnc.org
II. New Listings
128,121,137 Donsdale Dr, Statesville NC 28625
Cleared, builder-ready lot on beautiful Donsdale Drive in Statesville. Minutes from I-77 and historic downtown. This neighborhood is a must see and twice the value for the price! Very low HOA fees and Iredell taxes in a well maintained subdivision. Avoiding additional cost, this property has a septic permit already paid for by the seller. Get your builder and make us an offer!
122 Dairy Farm Rd, Mooresville, NC 28115
Remarkable brick front home in desirable Harris Village! Bright and open layout, features include hardwoods throughout first floor, tile back splash kitchen, HUGE open living room, formal dining room and french doors to office/den. Master bedroom has fireplace and double vanity sinks. New heating system for second floor and new dishwasher. Harris Village is located in Mooresville Graded School District and boast pool for residents.
III. Spring Cleaning List – 10 Neglected Areas
1. Trash Cans- Even when they always have a bag in them, trash cans can get messy from overflow and odors. Take all your kitchen and bathroom cans outside, spray them thoroughly inside and out with your favorite antibacterial cleaner. Sit for 10 minutes, rinse and dry.
2. Medicine Cabinets- When you do your spring cleaning its also a great time to go through your medicine cabinets and clean out expired medicines. There are a couple ways you can safely dispose of them. Do not flush them down the toilet as they can contaminate ground water. If they are prescription medications remove the label and destroy it, then you can either crush the pills and place in a bag with soil, cat litter, coffee grounds, or wet newspaper and tie it up. You may also find a pharmacy that accepts medicines and they will properly dispose of them for you.
3. Blinds- Blinds in many houses are frequently neglected. Dust builds up and they begin to look shabby. Make it a point to give them a thorough dusting during spring cleaning. Knock down cobwebs in the corner, run a duster between each slat, rotate blinds and dust the other side.
4. Behind Appliances- Pull out your refrigerator, stove, washer, and dryer. Sweep and mop well to remove dust, and dirt that has built up.
5. Under the Sink- Combine duplicates or throw out empty bottles of cleaner. Wash used dust rags and replenish if needed ( old t-shirts cut up make great dust cloths). If you have collected multiple glass flower vases throughout the year now is the time to re-purpose or donate the extra’s. Wipe off the shelf and replace items.
6. Oven- Coat interior with oven cleaner. While it is soaking, remove knobs and soak them in a bowl of half water and half vinegar to remove grease and grime build up. Scrub the top of your stove and around where the knobs were. If your oven has a bottom drawer pull it out, take it outside and scrub thoroughly. Pull oven away from wall and wipe down sides where food often spills and drips.
7.Mattress- Strip sheets off mattress, sprinkle a box of baking soda all over to cover completely. Allow it to sit for an hour or more. Vacuum off completely. Spray the mattress with Fe-breeze or spray with straight rubbing alcohol ( it will smell strong but when it dries the smell evaporates). Allow to dry and make up the bed.
8. Dishwasher- Empty dishwasher, take apart bottom components-sprayer, grate and filter. Remove any food particles from holes in the sprayer, wipe food from bottom of dishwasher. Soak items in a sink of hot water with 2 cups of vinegar for 30 minutes, Replace parts. Place a shallow bowl with 2 cups vinegar onto the top rack and run an empty cycle. This will freshen and sanitize as well as cut grease in your dishwasher.
9. Door Jambs and Trim- Use a duster with a telescoping handle or stand on a sturdy stool. Dust across the top and then down on door frames. If they are really dirty, wipe them down with hot soapy water.
10. AC Vents- Dust and allergens cling to the vents and every so often need to be cleaned more thoroughly than a quick feather dust. Remove vents and soak in a sink of hot soapy water, use a toothbrush if needed.
IV.Opening day schedule for all 30 MLB teams
Atlanta Braves: @ Miami Marlins, Monday, April 6, 4 p.m. | Home opener: vs. New York Mets, Friday, April 10, 7:35 p.m.
Arizona Diamondbacks: vs. San Francisco Giants, Monday, April 6, 10 p.m.
Baltimore Orioles: @ Tampa Bay Rays, Monday, April 6, 3:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Toronto Blue Jays,Friday, April 10, 3:05 p.m.
Boston Red Sox: @ Philadelphia Phillies, Monday, April 6, 3:05 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Washington Nationals, Monday, April 13, 3:05 p.m.
Chicago Cubs: vs. St. Louis Cardinals, Sunday, April 5, 8 p.m.
Chicago WhiteSox: @ Kansas City Royals, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Minnesota Twins,Friday, April 10, 4:10 p.m.
Cincinnati Reds: vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m.
Cleveland Indians: @ Houston Astros, Monday, April 6, 7 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Detroit Tigers, Friday, April 10, 4:05 p.m.
Colorado Rockies: @ Milwaukee Brewers, Monday, April 6, 2:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Chicago Cubs,Friday, April 10, 4:10 p.m.
Detroit Tigers: vs. Minnesota Twins, Monday, April 6, 1:08 p.m.
Houston Astros: vs. Cleveland Indians, Monday, April 6, 7 p.m.
Kansas City Royals: vs. Chicago White Sox, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m.
Los Angeles Angels: @ Seattle Mariners, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Kansas City Royals,Friday, April 10, 10:05 p.m.
Los Angeles Dodgers: vs. San Diego Padres, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m.
Miami Marlins: vs. Atlanta Braves, Monday, April 6, 4 p.m.
Milwaukee Brewers: vs. Colorado Rockies, Monday, April 6, 6:10 p.m.
Minnesota Twins: @ Detroit Tigers, Monday, April 6, 1:08 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Kansas City Royals, Monday, April 13, 4:10 p.m.
New York Mets: @ Washington Nationals, Monday, April 6, 4 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Philadelphia Phillies, Monday, April 13, 1:10 p.m.
New York Yankees: vs. Toronto Blue Jays, Monday, April 6, 1 p.m.
Oakland Athletics: vs. Texas Rangers, Monday, April 6, 10:05 p.m.
Philadelphia Phillies: vs. Boston Red Sox, Monday, April 6, 3:05 p.m.
Pittsburgh Pirates: @ Cincinnati Reds, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Detroit Tigers, Monday, April 13, 1:35 p.m.
San Diego Padres: @ Los Angeles Dodgers, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. San Francisco Giants, Thursday, April 9, 6:40 p.m.
San Francisco Giants: @ Arizona Diamondbacks, Monday, April 6, 10 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Colorado Rockies, Monday, April 13, 4:35 p.m.
Seattle Mariners: vs. Los Angeles Angels, Monday, April 6, 4:10 p.m.
St. Louis Cardinals: @ Chicago Cubs, Sunday, April 5, 8 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Milwaukee Brewers,Monday, April 13, 4:15 p.m.
Tampa Bay Rays: vs. Baltimore Orioles, Monday, April 6, 3:10 p.m.
Texas Rangers: @ Oakland Athletics, Monday, April 6, 10:05 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Houston Astros, Friday, April 10, 4:05 p.m.
Toronto Blue Jays: @ New York Yankees, Monday, April 6, 1 p.m. | Home opener: vs. Tampa Bay Rays,Monday, April 13, 7:07 p.m.
Washington Nationals: vs. New York Mets, Monday, April 6, 4 p.m.
V. Welcome the Newest Member of Petit Home Team
Please join us in welcoming the newest buyers agent on Petit Home Team, Kenda Johns! Kenda's area of expertise is working with buyers throughout Lake Norman and the Charlotte areas. We are thrilled to have Kenda a part of our Petit Home Team and she is looking forward to introducing herself to you soon!